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com is the largest and most accurate online Cocker database and is provided totally free of charge exclusively for the personal use of the breeders and owners of Show and Performance American Cocker Spaniels. If this is your first visit to Cockers-Worldwide, I hope that you enjoy your visit and that you return again soon. PLEASE help keep this website free and consider becoming a sponsor.
Cu sau fara pedigree? Bine ati venit pe site-ul Cocker Spaniel Clubului din Romania! In acest site veti gasi informatii utile despre standardul celor 2 rase, sfaturi pentru cresterea lor, datele de contact ale crescatorilor, lista cuiburilor existente si multe altele. In sectiunea Galerie din partea de jos a site-ului puteti vedea istoria ilustrata a Cockerului Spaniel Englez in Romania.
Album - Eden, album 1. De belles dents bien blanches. Une dent la veille du détartrage. La même dent après détartrage. Le Père Noël a pensé à Eden. Eden a repris ses activités au club.